Monday, January 10, 2011

4 month stats!

**There is no adorable 4 month picture today.... I forgot to do it before we went to the pediatrician, and he is currently sleeping. We will probably wait so we have a happy baby for the picture :)**

We had Kayden's 4 month appointment today! He did great... but we did have the dreaded 4 month shots. I left the room to fix a bottle so I wouldn't be in the room when they gave the shots. I bawled last time and really just didn't want to be in there when they did it. Nick was in there with him and can handle it so I left. But it didn't help. Let's just say... Kayden has lungs and he was not afraid to use them. I was in the bathroom around the corner and could hear him screaming. I almost lost it in the bathroom because he was screaming so hard. Nick said Kayden's face turned red, and didn't breath for a second and then all of a sudden let out the loudest scream and he just continued screaming. POOR BABY!!! I came back in and he was still crying so I gave him the bottle and he calmed down. Miserable! I'll be happy when we get to the point where he doesn't have to have shots every 2 months! I felt so bad for him and Nick said Kayden looked at him like nick was the one that gave him the shots so Nick kept saying i wasn't the one to give you the shots! haha. Poor Kayden looked so hurt afterwards. I think these were even harder than the 2 month shots!

We also got the all clear to start solid foods! EEEEEKKK! My baby can start eating REAL food?!?! NO WAY! We probably won't actually start giving him anything for another month but just the fact that he COULD have real food blows my mind! We obviously start with cereal and then he said we wait 4 days and can start vegetables, waiting 4 days to introduce each new food. I will probably wait a little longer with the cereal though. I'm thinking we may start cereal around 4.5-5 months and then probably won't start vegetables until closer to 5.5-6 months. When we do start... trust me there will be pictures! and videos! and a blog post! :)

Now for the stats:
Height: 25 inches (average for babies his age)
Weight: 13 pounds 1 ounce (25 percentile)

We have a tall skinny boy. He is staying with his growth curve or whatever so the doctor isn't concerned about his weight. He said he is just fine! just a skinny little boy! :)

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby!!! and poor mommy!! I'm dreading this next week! I can't believe you can already start solid foods! I thought it was 6 months...that's scary to think about! I'm not ready :)
