Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On the move!

Kayden turned 7 months on Sunday and in typical fashion he started something new right around his 7 month "birthday". I've noticed every month he seems to do something new right around his monthly birthdays. 4 months was the first time he rolled over at physical therapy, 5 months was the sippy cup and sitting up on his own, 6 months was waving bye bye and now 7 months...... rocking on his hands and knees!!

We had been working on getting into the crawling position and being able to bear weight through his arms so that he could hold his self up at physical therapy. With the muscles in his neck, he has always had a hard time pushing up when he is on his belly. He finally has gotten to where he will do that with ease so we have been working on the crawling. When he wants something when he is sitting he can get into the position but usually falls pretty quickly because his leg gets stuck. However, if you get him up on his hands and knees he will hold it himself for quite a while and then yesterday he started rocking. I guess the next move is to take off! I'm not sure I'm quite ready for this boy to be mobile quite yet!!


  1. So sweet! And he's made such great strides overcoming his torticollis!

  2. He is precious Jennifer & Nick. So cute and he is getting stronger. You can see the strength in his little arm as he holds himself up. What a boy!
