Friday, August 5, 2011

Sleeping (I feel like this is the title of 2/3rds of my posts!)

FINALLY!!!! I am happy to report that as of 3 nights ago, Kayden will actually lay down and go to sleep at night time. He will fuss for just a second when I lay him down but then he will just stop crying and will go back and forth from laying down to sitting to standing and continues doing that until he finally caves, lays down, and goes to sleep. It's usually about a 5 minutes process. I'm just thankful he doesn't cry anymore when we put him in his bed!

However, he still wakes up in the middle of the night and does not put himself back to sleep. I end up going to get him and put him in the bed with us. I can't figure out why he can't put himself back to sleep in the middle of the night but he can when we first put him down. So, that will be our next step.

I tried just putting him down for naps today too. That didn't work. Oh well, I'll take what I can get at this point!

I start back to work next Thursday. As many know, we had no where for Kayden to go on Thursdays and that was pretty stressful for me! Luckily, I got an email from our church's Mother's Day Out coordinator and they still had a spot open for Thursday's. They start August 16 so my mom is going to take off this Thursday (also the first day of school) and then he will start going there on Thursdays! I'm so thankful that this worked out because I was getting worried!! :)

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