Thursday, May 5, 2011

Encouraging News

We just got back from Kayden's Re- evaluation appointment and his therapist gave him some encouraging and reassuring news. While he still does have a tilt with the torticollis, she thinks that he is fine developmentally. She hasn't sat down and done all the statistical stuff she needs to do yet, but based on what she saw today and what she could just tell from looking at the paperwork, that he should be fine. We will have a full write up next week and go everything then.

She said that there are several things that he is doing that he "shouldn't" be doing until around 9-10 months and then there are some things that he isn't doing quite yet but is working on it. Those things are more focused because of his neck though and the development in that area. A lot of the more advanced things that he is doing is based on standing and things that don't really involve his neck muscles. She said the fact that he will hold your fingers and take "walking steps", loves standing up and can stand up using a table and kind of creep a long the table, loves to hold your fingers while standing and jump up and down, all of that is stuff that he shouldn't be mastering until 9-10 months but he has already mastered it. Hearing that has made me feel SOOO much better!

With the walking before crawling, she said since he has such an interest in it that it is ok if he does, she just doesn't want him to totally skip crawling. A lot of times if they walk first, they never really develop their crawling skills because they know walking can get them where they want to go faster. She said we just have to make sure that he still crawls and develops those skills too. He is getting a lot better at crawling though. He is finally moving his arms when you move his legs. He can move his legs on his own but won't move his arms and then he eventually either face plants or falls flat. So we have been working on us moving his legs, and him moving his arms so that he gets use to the movement. He did better than he ever has at physical therapy today so I'm excited about that!

On another note, Kayden has croup, and may have the beginning stages of hand, foot, mouth disease. :( He was coughing a HORRIBLE sounding cough last night and this morning so I decided to get it checked out today after his physical therapy appointment. He hasn't really acted like he feels bad or has a fever or anything, just the cough. She gave him a steroid, but when she looked at his throat there was a sore in it. She said that usually there are quite a few and then they develop on their hands and feet, but with him just having the one she couldn't say for sure that he does have it, just not to be concerned if they develop on his hands and feet. So we will see! I hope not, but there really isn't much we can do about it either way.

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