Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Evaluation Results!

We got Kayden's evaluation notes from physical therapy two weeks ago and were very pleased. He is right on age wise in the two categories (i don't have the evaluation right in front of me now... but when i get it i'll post what they are). He is considered at a 9 month age for his stationary movement so this was all really good news to us. She is not concerned at all with him still not crawling. He finds his own way to get around, scooting on his butt, going backwards, reaching, lunging, if there is something he wants, he finds a way. He is still much more interested in cruising along the coffee table and walking while you hold his hands than crawling. If he is fussing, all you have to do is stand him up and he will get a huge smile on his face.

When we went to therapy last week we saw the owner instead of our regular therapist because she was on vacation. The owner was concerned with the fact that he gets so angry whenever you touch his head. He is really hard to stretch because he will throw a complete temper tantrum if you touch his head, especially if we are in therapy. She is worried about what emotional damage it may be doing now and she said she barely can even tell that he has a tilt. She thinks at this point that we should no longer be going to therapy and should just do the stretches at home rather than him coming there every week.

So here are my issues with this:
- just last week his therapist was still concerned with the tilt, saying he still has a noticable tilt (however he did have tape on all week last week which is something that is suppose to help so maybe it did do quite a bit of help when the owner saw him on tuesday)
- she said we should continue the stretches at home but not come into the therapy place because she is worried about his emotional well being. ok, i get it... but maybe this is selfish of me but I would much rather my child have an adversion to other people touching him rather than his parents. I don't want my child to fear ME when I touch him, but to be honest, i could care less if he fears YOU when YOU touch him. It makes much more sense to me to come and have him stretched once a week by you all, even if he throws a fit, rather than me stretching him at home and him hating when I touch him......
- development- yes he is right on in all of his areas, but his therapist is very good at making sure he stays that way. he didn't roll over consistently until closer to 6 months old... he is still not crawling.... she has been a HUGE help when it comes to showing me ways to encourage him to do things and get him to reach the milestones he needs to reach. she has shown me ways to make him roll over, help him with sitting, and showing me how to help him go from laying down to sitting, along with crawling. She mostly works on developmental stuff when we are there and then throws in the stretching.

She said she was going to talk to his therapist and see what she says... but I think she is with me on this. We haven't talked about what the owner said exactly yet, but I think we both agree that it is better for him to come there for a little while longer. I plan on sitting down and expressing this concerns with her on thursday. The owner did say that she thinks it would be alright if we still brought him in once a week to work on the developmental stuff but that we shouldn't do stretching for a little while so that we can break the association. I'm ok with that, but I am still worried about ME stretching him and what associations he has with that.

We will see. I love the owner of the place but when she said all that I was a little taken aback.

We went from months of nothing to talk about with physical therapy and torticollis...to now having an update every week i feel like. i'll keep ya posted!! :)

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