Tuesday, September 6, 2011

11 months old

Dear Kayden-
11 months old! Only one more month until you turn the big 1!! You have learned so much over the past couple of months that it just amazes me! You can stand on your own, say a couple words such as mama, dada, nana, no no, dog, and duck. You also say all done and more in sign language. You are slowly diminishing your bottles, now only taking about 3-4 a day and none at night. You sleep all on your own in your crib all through the nights. If someone asked mommy a couple months back if you would ever sleep in your crib, she would have said no..... but thankfully you finally learned how :)

This month mommy started back to work. You stay with mrs. stephanie and love playing with ellie and luke. You also get to go to church for Mother's day out and love playing with your friends there too. It's so weird to mommy that she doesn't know what your teachers look like or who they are, but I know you are in good hands. Nana drops you off and daddy picks you up and they say you are doing great there. Mommy misses you so much every day and hates having to drop you off. I wish I could stay with you all day. I LOVE coming home to you and seeing the big smile on your face when you see me though. It makes it all worth it. You are just the sweetest little boy!

You love playing with toys and books now. You will just sit in the floor and play with your toys without a care in the world. You love playing peek a boo and patty cake and we have started itsy bitsy spider. You love being outside, and when we say let's go bye bye your face lights up! You don't like to be in one place too long so going outside is a nice break for you. You love to go out back and see Skye, as long as he doesn't bark or howl at you.

Here before too long, we will be writing your 1 year letter! I can't believe that you have been in our lives for almost a year. I still remember seeing you for the first time and you being that little bitty 6 pound baby. My my how much you have grown! I love you sweet boy and can't wait to see what the rest of the month hold for us!

I love you!

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