Wednesday, September 21, 2011


For a girl who doesn't like change, There sure is a lot of it going on around here! I'm trying to think of it as a good thing getting it all over at once... but then I'm waiting for the complete melt down. I've had a couple moments, but not the big meltdown that I am just waiting to happen.

So what are all these changes you may ask:
1) Well obviously, we all know I started teaching 1st grade in August. I no longer stay at home with my precious boy. It has it's ups and downs. I have good days and bad days. I'm just trying to make it through the year.

2) Nick was presented with the opportunity to lead worship at a friends church called Mosaic. We are SOOOO excited about this! We've been ready for a change for a while, and this church seems to fit us perfectly! Nick played there one night and they decided to ask him if he would lead worship and be the one to help coordinate all of that. It's a beautiful church that has a diverse congregation and we felt welcomed from day one. It's a smaller church, which we are loving because we are really getting to know the people and form relationships. We both grew up at our other church, and it's the only church I have ever known, but we are excited for the change. However, that leads to our current housing situation....

3) We are BUYING and BUILDING a house!! Holy smokes! if you told me a year ago that we would be buying and owning our own home I would say you are crazy! It was a decision that I have struggled with and spent many hours going back and forth over. Thankfully, our old church that we have been renting our house from is going to let us live here until our house is finished. The date they are planning on having it finished is January 28th. He is going to try to get it done before Christmas but it just depends on a lot of different factors.... and things never go as planned in the building industry so we aren't going to hold out hope. We will be living right next to our friends who helped start Mosaic and whom we have known for a while. They have a 5 year old boy and a 1 1/2 year old little girl so we are excited that Kayden will have some kids to play with. It definitely all happened really fast... and that makes me so nervous but we both feel like this is where we are meant to be and it has been obvious that the Lord has had his hand on this plan the whole time.

Soooo.... two new jobs, a house, a new church.... I think that's about all the change I can handle for right now. Please don't throw any thing else at me! :) Thankfully we are so happy with all these changes and know that the Lord will hold, protect, carry and guide us through everything.

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