Wednesday, December 14, 2011

15 month update!

Kayden had his 15 month doctor appointment yesterday. He is growing.... but not very much! haha! He's still our little bitty skinny boy, but he is growing so that's all that matters. We got the run down on the gluten, since we have been adding it back in and we haven't noticed much of anything we decided to just keep giving him some and see how he handles it. The gluten testing is very invasive so they do not want to do it on small children unless it is absolutely necessary. He has been having weird diapers lately but I'm hoping that's just from maybe a little bug he has gotten and not because of the gluten. I haven't really been watching the amount he gets lately so I'm going to have to start being better at keeping a note of what he eats each day.
We got the lecture of continuing his vitamins. He refuses to take the iron drops with vitamins (poly-vi-sol) and therefore we stopped giving them to him. We use to be able to mix them in his formula bottles and he wouldn't notice but now that he no longer gets formula or bottles, we haven't been giving it to him. There is no way he will take it without mixing it into something (we've tried.... and it turned into him refusing to take ANY type of medicine because he thought it was all going to taste as bad as the iron drops). We tried mixing it in with his milk from his sippy cup and he could tell instantly that that wasn't right. She suggested trying to cut up gummy vitamins and see how he does with chewing and taking those. Hopefully those will work! With his weight, she really wants him to be taking some type of vitamin so we've got to figure something out!

The stats:
Length: 31 inches (50%tile) up 1 1/2 inches
Weight: 19.8 pounds (<5%tile......) up 1 pound and 4 ounces

Yes, at 15 months old... we still haven't hit the 20 pound mark. We are hoping to get there by 18 months... :)

1 comment:

  1. HI Jennifer,
    Reading up on all my blog followers. There are only 7, ha! The instant breakfast mixes have vitamins and extra calories. Also, I used to add in several tablespoons of half and half to Aaron's milk. The gummy vites taste the best and are the softest we've found. As a mother whose son lost 25lbs in one year- I've tried it all! If you ever have questions, let me know :)
