Monday, August 12, 2013

It's been a while...

It's been FOREVER since I have posted. I thought during the summer I would get better and catch up on everything. But here I sit... only 1 full day away from having students in my classroom and I haven't posted a darn thing! Mykah is almost one and started daycare today. OH how my mommy heart hurts!!! I still sob any time I think about it. I can't figure out what was harder.... going back after maternity leave, or going back now. My vote is now (probably because it is fresh and raw right now) but a lot of it has to do with the fact that he is in actual daycare rather than just being with nana and daddy like he was last year when I went back to work. I know it was going to be a tough transition for him. I have had to go get him from the church nursery every Sunday because they just can't get him to calm down. He is VERY attached. Today when I dropped him off I could hear him screaming as I walked down the hallway to leave daycare. The only thing that stopped me from bursting into tears at that moment was that the almost 3 year old was screaming that he needed to pee at the top of his lungs! About three hours after drop off I called to check on him and could hear him screaming still in the background. That's when I lost it. My poor teacher friend across the hallway from me had to witness the melt down (thank goodness we are like BFF's otherwise she probably would have thought I was a total nut case!!) It was so hard to listen to him screaming while his teacher was telling me that he was having a hard day but that it was normal and that she has been able to sooth him a little bit. I just wanted to leave school and never come back. I know this is good for him, I know he will get use to it, I know that we both need this, but it has been so very hard! With Kayden, I knew he would cry for about 10-15 minutes and then be just fine. He was never as attached to his momma as Mykah is. I know he will get use to each, and each day will get better. I just have to keep my heart from hurting so badly in the process!!

In other news.... Kayden starts preschool next Monday! I am beyond excited for him. I know he will have a rough couple days transitioning into his new school but I am very hopeful that he will LOVE it! We go to open house on Thursday and I just can't wait to meet his teacher and see his room. I'm really excited to see how much he learns. He is already a VERY smart boy and amazes me daily with his knowledge. At almost 3 (even though he has really been doing it since around two years) he can identify all of his letters, no matter what order they are in. He can tell you what letter his name starts with. He can count to 15 without help (he sometimes misses a number or two... he's not as strong in his numbers as he is his letters). He can count up to 30 with help. He can identify most of his numbers 1-10. He knows all of his shapes and colors, and "reads" (has memorized) many of his my favorite children's books. He forms complete sentences, asks WHY about EVERYTHING and remembers anything and everything you tell him. He LOVES music and can sing just about any song you ask him to. His passion is drumming though. If you ask him what he wants for his birthday... it's drums. (Which he is getting..... thank goodness he can't read mommy's blog yet :) )I can't believe how fast this past year as gone. This time last year, we were just wondering when Mykah was going to make his appearance, what he would look like, how he would sleep, and getting ready to enjoy maternity leave. Now we are planning a new school year, going to daycare, going to preschool, and getting ready to turn ONE and THREE. When did this happen??? It's going by so fast and I know it's only going to get faster and faster. In thinking of some goals for this upcoming school year, one was to be out of school by 4 most days and enjoy my family a lot more. I'm struggling hard with how big they are and how little I see them when school is in session so I want to spend as much time with them as I can!

Stay tuned.... birthday letters, pictures, and more will be coming soon!!! (i mean.... hopefully.... MAYBE before christmas but I can't make many promises :) )

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are blogging again! Love hearing about those Cooper boys : )
