Friday, January 7, 2011

Rolling over!

Since this blog serves as a type of memory book I have to post that today at physical therapy Kayden rolled over from his belly to his back for the first time with no help!! I was so excited and announced to the PT that it was his first time doing that so she had him do it again!! This was big and exciting for us since Kayden will have a little bit of difficulty with these milestones because of his neck. Generally they say they start doing this at about 3 months and he is about to turn 4 months so not to bad! He is doing great with sitting up and grabbing things so overall the PT is encouraged and said he will be able to do almost everything at an average rate especially when his neck is normal.

I haven't tried to get him to do it again since PT because he is so worn out from PT but we are going to see if he will do it later tonight for daddy so a video is to come!

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