Friday, April 1, 2011

6 months old

Dear Kayden-
You are 6 months old. Half a year old! OH MY!! I have enjoyed the past 6 months so much! Staying home with you, rocking you, playing with you, feeding you... it has been the best 6 months of my life!

The past month you have accomplished a lot of things! You are getting better at rolling over every day even though we still have to work on it a lot! You have eaten sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, and peas. You LOVE the sweet potatoes and the carrots but you are not a big fan of the green veggies.... but we will keep trying! Apparently, Uncle Sam was a lot like you when he was little and would only eat orange stuff too! Let's try to keep your skin from turning orange though!! :)

Your personality is really starting to develop and most of the time you are a happy baby! You love laughing at daddy and smile at him when he comes home from work. You are definitely a momma's boy though. You cuddle and want me to hold you all.the.time. I don't mind though. However, you do have to play in the floor so that you can keep learning how to roll over, lift up, sit up, and eventually crawl! You are doing great with sitting up now though and can pretty much sit up all on your own. Sometimes when you get excited though you fall down, so Ms. Kelli (your physical therapist) is working on how to catch yourself. You are doing great at physical therapy and learn all kinds of great things there. They are still working on your neck but they also have been teaching you how to sit up, catch yourself when you start to fall, go from laying down to sitting up, and we have even worked a little on crawling!

You are starting to notice your surrounding more and more, and you LOVE being at home! When you start to get fussy when you are out, you are instantly happy as soon as we get home. I hope you know home is a safe place and I hope you are always happy when you come home like you are now :) You also LOVE being outside in your stroller. As it has gotten warmer we have gone on walks in your stroller and you will just look at all the new surroundings. You also like to sleep in your stroller so if you are especially fussy for a nap, and it's warm outside, we take a walk :) You also love when people give you attention and you are not a fan of people walking away. It doesn't matter if you know them or not, if they stop talking to you and turn away you start crying! You do it ALOT to mommy when she is getting ready though. If I walk out of the room to go get something you start screaming your lungs out, but you are fine as soon as I pick you up.

You also had your first visit on the sick side of the doctor's office this month and your first fever :( You were so pitiful when you were sick and all you wanted to do was sleep and be held. We had to go to the doctor several times but you just had what was going around and there was nothing we could do besides give you some medicine and make you sleep a lot. You eventually got over it but it took a good week for you to get back to your normal self. Mommy and Daddy were so happy the day you woke up and we could tell you were back to your normal, happy, playful baby! We don't like to see you sick and miserable!0

Mommy and Daddy love you so much little boy and can't wait to see what the rest of the first year will hold! You are such a great little boy and I can't imagine what my life was like before you!

Love, You mommy :)

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