Monday, July 12, 2010

3rd trimester!

This is probably going to be the most random blog post but I have finally reached the third trimester and I am understanding why everyone says the 2nd trimester is like the "honeymoon phase". It's like the day I hit the third trimester I became nauseas and exhausted all over again. I could probably sleep for 12 hours and still be tired by 8 p.m. I also have been getting sick again at random times. I know it's the last stretch so i'm just going to try and get through it... only 11 more weeks!!

I have noticed Kayden moving a TON lately. You can see my stomach jump and move when he moves. It kinda creeps Nick out but it's really fun to watch. I can finally tell where he is and what body parts are where so I think that's pretty cool. I still feel tiny compared to other people who are 7 months pregnant but I continuously ask the doctor if he is ok and she says that he is just fine! As long as she says he is fine then i'm not going to worry too much about it. It's nice that I can still wear a lot of my regular clothes and not have to spend money on a bunch of maternity clothes.

The nursery is slowly coming along and Kayden has soooo many clothes! All of his clothes are laying on the floor in his room right now and it's rediculous how much he has. I can't wait for him to be here so that I can put the clothes on him!

We went on a family vacation with the Coopers which was fun and interesting. I was not so excited about going since I get really tired and hot easily, however it was very nice and laid back. We really did not do much but sit at the beach and the pool so it was relaxing. We had a beautiful view from our bedroom and balcony so it was nice to have a little bit of a "babymoon" before Kayden comes. It will be our last vacation without a baby to take care of!

The next 2 1/2 months are going to be super busy with baby showers, maternity pictures, weddings, etc all coming up so i'm sure the exhaustion is just going to increase but atleast it will make the next 2 1/2 months go by fast..... OH.MY.GOODNESS.... 2 1/2 more months!!!! I can't wait to meet Mr. Kayden.

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