Monday, November 29, 2010

Giving Thanks

*****Yes my child has some AWESOME dance moves... he gets that from me :) *****

This thanksgiving I have a lot to be thankful for. Over the past year I have added an adorable nephew, another sister-in-law, a beautiful niece, and MY SON. I am so thankful for all the blessings that God has given us this past year, but as thanksgiving came and went I realized that I don't thank God for the blessings that he has given me enough. I have realized that instead of giving thanks for these things, I ask him for more. More money, a new car, a job where I can make good money but still stay at home with my child, a new house.... the list could go on. Why am I not content with what I have. I am not entitled to these things and I have realized that over the past year I have felt like I am. I see other people getting these things and think why isn't God blessing us but is blessing those who don't even acknowledge the fact that HE exists.

And then last night, it finally hit me. I AM blessed. No amount of money could pay for the blessings that HE has given me.

You could try and pay me 1 million dollars and I still would not give my nephew to you.

You could try and pay me 1 million dollars and I still would not give you my niece.

And you could try and give me the whole world, all the things and money in it, and I WOULD NEVER EVER give you my son, my husband, my sweet little family.

God did not have to give me these things. He didn't have to give me my nephew, He didn't have to give me my niece (who is a miracle in herself after years of trying), He didn't have to give me the house we live in thanks to our church, He didn't have to give my husband a job that has allowed me to not work for a year in order to finish school and stay at home with my child for at least 4 months, He didn't have to give my husband a promotion at work, He didn't have to give us parents that help whenever we need it, He didn't have to give us 2 working (even if old) cars, and he didn't have to give me MY SON, a perfect pregnancy, labor, delivery, and a happy, healthy, growing, beautiful boy, the greatest blessing of them all.

I hope I can continue to go through life looking at the blessings that God has given me and thank him for them every day. I don't want to dwell on what I don't have, because I have everything that ever matters. Happiness, Love, Peace, and my family.

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