Monday, February 28, 2011

5 months old!

Dear Kayden-
I feel like I start every letter with "I can't believe you are already __ months old!" But seriously... each month just keeps flying by! You are learning so much and getting so big that I can't even believe that you were that 6 pound baby just 5 months ago. You have yet again learned so much and changed so much this month that I don't even know where to start. You have started sitting up a lot more on your own. You love sitting in your pack n play playing with your little workbench. I keep the boppy pillow behind you just in case you decide to rest a little bit! You are starting to roll over too... even though you don't seem to like it too much. We have to put a bunch of toys to one side so that you will want to go get them, and we still have to help you a little bit but you are getting there!

This month you also started eating rice cereal! You were not a big fan of it the first couple times we gave it to you, so we waited two more weeks and decided to try it again right before you turned 5 months old. You ate it like a pro and loved it! We also gave you a sippy cup. You instantly grabbed it and pulled it to your mouth but you weren't quite sure what to do with it. You mostly just wanted to chew on it, but that's ok!

I still enjoy watching you smile and laugh all the time. You are a very happy baby and for that I am thankful. You will smile at anyone who is willing to talk to you and will laugh if they make funny faces or play peek a boo with you.

This past month you also experienced ALOT of snow. We haven't let you get out and play in it but maybe next year we will get a lot too so that you can see what it is like. You enjoy looking out the window and watching the puppies play in it though! And speaking of puppies, you also got a new dog this month! Mommy and Daddy adopted Izzy from the humane society. While she may be a handful, she absolutely adores you, and you her. I see many great times in the future! :)

5 months! Next time I write a letter to you, you will be half a year old! While it seems like the months are flying by, it's hard for me to remember what my life was like before you. You have made your mommy and daddy very happy and have loved every minute of the past 5 months! You are such a joy to us and we love you SOOOO much!

Your mommy :)

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