Friday, February 11, 2011

The Sippy Cup

We tried rice cereal again the day before he turned 5 months and Kayden finally ate it! The whole bowl!! It took him a couple bites to get use to it again but then he was leaning for the spoon and ready to eat! When he started eating solids I also wanted to start offering a sippy cup of water to get him use to the sippy cup. He LOVED the thing! I'm not sure if he could really get anything out of it but he loved chewing on it. He can't lift it up yet to get the water out so I have to lift it up and I think he gets a little when I do that. We got a new cup that has ounces measured on it so I can see if he is actually getting any. He held the cup just like he was suppose to though and looked like such a big boy! I can't believe my baby is eating solid foods and drinking out of a sippy cup... and turned 5 months old YESTERDAY!!! Where is the time going?!

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