Monday, February 21, 2011

Updates on... Everything!

We have been going to physical therapy once a week ever since we found out he had torticollis. Kayden has responded really well to physical therapy. Ms. Kelly works on stretching out his neck muscles and also works with developmental milestones that he should be reaching.
Kayden can freely look from side to side now, before he would only look to his right because the muscle was so tight he couldn't turn his head the other way. We are still stretching the muscles but for the most part that part of the torticollis is fixed. We are still working on the tilt part though. He still tilts his head a little and still holds his head down rather than lifting it up. He has a hard time holding it up for long periods such as when you put him on his belly and have him push himself up. I also noticed this weekend that he has started to hold himself up a lot longer than he use to. One of the exercises we do to help this is roll him on his right side and hold toys above his head so that he will look up. This is an exercise that is a battle for us because he HATES doing it.
There is no word as to when they think he can stop physical therapy. I think we will probably be going for a while, which is fine by me. I really like having them work on different stuff with him and then showing me what to do. I think they will do another evaluation of him sometime in March, but I'm not sure.

We are still having issues with sleeping. I have had a very hard time doing the cry it out method. I know many people who have done the cry it out method and it has worked very easily for them. We've had a struggle with it though. Kayden just screams and screams bloody murder. It's not the "i'm just tired so i'll whine a little bit", it's a full out scream which I am having a hard time dealing with. I hate the thought of him laying in his crib all by himself screaming, not knowing if I'm going to come get him or not. We've decided for the time being to let him continue sleeping with us until about 8 months, in May, and then work on sleep training again. I know it will be harder, but I feel like at that age he will have a little bit more of an understanding when we talk to him and it will be easier to do a gradual weaning of sorts. I've read several different things about sitting next to the crib and each night getting further and further away from the crib, etc. We will see. I know he will get it eventually and I'm willing to wait. Sleeping through the night has gotten a lot better though. We usually try to give him a bath around 8:30-9 (or an hour after his bottle that is around 7:30ish.) He will then usually sleep until 11-1130 when we give him another bottle. If he doesn't wake up for this bottle, we usually wake him up so that he isn't waking us up in the middle of the night. After we give him this bottle, he will (most of the time) sleep until 7ish. At this time he will take another bottle and a lot of times go back to sleep until 9. If by 6 months he hasn't cut out his 11 bottle we will start cutting it out. We usually put the rice in his 9 o clock bottle but if we don't wake up around 1130 he will eventually wake us up at 2:30. We are finally back to taking naps in our swing also. Kayden took about a 3 month hiatus from his swing where he wasn't a fan of the swing. Luckily, I can now put him in his swing and he will take a nap so that I don't have to hold him through the whole nap time.

Kayden laughs ALL.THE.TIME. We can always do something to make him laugh and I love it! We are finally getting to where we can get him to roll from back to belly pretty consistently.Due to his neck he has had a lot of trouble rolling over. You have to use your neck muscles in order to turn your head when you roll and to reach your arm across your body to get up the momentum to roll, which is what he is struggling with. He has rolled over twice about a month ago but we have had a hard time getting him to do it again. This past weekend he has rolled over multiple times but you can tell he still really has to work at it and we have to really motivate him with toys in order to get him to do it. He has been doing it continuously though and we don't have to physically help him anymore. Last week at physical therapy, Ms. Kelly only worked on rolling in hopes to get him to start rolling more often. It seems to be working so far. I feel like I can say confidently that we have rolling over now. Kayden's been sitting up for quite a while now, with assistance. He can sit up by himself for a little bit but falls either to the sides or backwards. He's getting there though!

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