Friday, June 17, 2011

9 month check up

There is so much I want to post, like how kayden claps his hands, his first time in the pool, and how he is all over the place. However, nick has our laptop, my moms computer is SLOW ( and I don't mean just "I'm inpatient slow", it takes 5 minutes just to pull up the Internet) so I'm having to post from my phone, which isn't as easy as it sounds, and also means there are probably a ton of typos too thanks to autocorrect. Anyways, kayden just keeps growing and learning new things everyday. He has finally figured out how to crawl, claps his hands, eats and eats and eats, pulls up on anything and everything along with walk and walk and walk. He walks along anything that he can and even just uses toys to walk. Many people say they don't think it will be long because he just barely holds on to things when he is walking. He can also stand on his own for about 5 seconds. He is growing tooooooo fast!

We had his 9 month appointment last week and kayden weighed 17 pounds and was 27 inches long. I don't have the paper with the percentiles with me but they are still low, but he is still growing. We talked about the fact that rice and barley was causing him to be really fussy and act like his stomach hurt so we are having to start watching for a gluten intolerance when he starts eating more big food. So we will see!

We also had to do his finger prick to check his blood. We got a phone call from the pediatrician today and he has low iron levels so he has to start taking a multivitamin with iron and watch his iron levels over the next couple of months. She said it's nothing to worry about but to just monitor. We were thinking that the additional iron in the cereals and formula was what was causing his stomach problems, but apparently not. We are really hoping it's not a gluten intolerance but only time will tell! Atleast it is not too serious and overall we have a healthy baby boy!

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