Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So... kayden is 8 months old.

And i haven't posted the 6 month, or the 7 month, and now he is 8 months. The 6 month... well that whole month just seemed to pass by really quickly. So, we will have to just deal with a picture that was taken on his 6 month birthday. Trust me, this is driving me nuts that it doesn't match the others but I will just have to get over it.

and then the 7 month photo..

that was the best one I could get, they are getting harder and harder!

and the 8 month.... well I still have 5.5 hours to get that one taken... :)


  1. It DOES get more difficult! I'm glad I wasn't the only one that struggled. I was happy when she got to 13 months and I didn't have to take the obligatory monthly photo! :)

  2. yeah, i'll be honest, A lot of them don't end up actually on the day. I feel like as long as I get it within the week i'm happy. it's driving me NUTS that the 6 month one doesn't have everything with it though!
