Sunday, March 14, 2010

12 weeks!

This past week we had our 12 week doctors appointment and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was a pretty cool moment since the heartbeat was all I have wanted to hear for the past 12 weeks. At our 9 week visit I got to see the little flutter of a heartbeat on the ultrasound, but there was nothing compared to hearing the heartbeat. I knew our little baby was there and still thriving. We waited until after that appointment to really announce that we were pregnant. We have just had so many friends and family go through miscarriages that we didn't want to tell a lot of people until we were past the 1st trimester and until after we actually heard the heartbeat. It was so much fun to get to post on facebook though after our doctor's appointment and see how many people who were truly excited for us, and surprise a lot of our friends who didn't know. I am so glad now that people know and we don't have to keep it a secret! It was really hard because we have 2 friends due about a month after us that had already said something so it was hard for us to keep ours a secret but we did it! It's actually kinda weird for me to tell people that we are pregnant though. I don't know why but it's just hard to be like hey i'm pregnant! I thought once I was actually pregnant I would like scream it from the roof tops, but I haven't even told the other 5th grade teachers at my school yet that I work with and talk to every day. My cooperating teacher knows just because I wanted to tell her so she knew why I was so tired and stuff, but I still just haven't said anything to the other teachers. I know I will have to eventually but like I said it's still really weird to say anything. I mean obviously, once I start showing it will be easier for me to tell people because I don't want them to just think I'm fat :)

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