Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well we just got back from the dr. office for our 36 week appointment and did we get a shocker. I normally have very low blood pressure, however this time it was high (for me) 130/90. She was a little concerned so I go back Monday to get it checked again. If it is high on Monday we start talking about option such as early inducement. (not the big shocker though....) We had an ultrasound and his head was very low to where we could not get an accurate measurement of his weight, however the one we did get was only about 5 lbs (it was 4 lbs and something ounces but closer to 5). This concerned her just a little bit because it puts him in the 12 percent tile for weight for the gestational age that I am at. She said at 10 % they raise an eyebrow and at 5% they do some serious investigating to see why he is so small. She said if i make it to 38 weeks they will do another ultrasound to see if he is still growing. We talk about all this stuff and then the appointment is over and she is walking us over to get some blood work and then says "have we done your group b strep test". No we havent, so we go back into the room to do that and she then proceeds to check me. I am 2-3 cm. dialated. HOLY COW! I start crying and freaking out, the dr is surprised and then we begin talking again. She says she does not expect me to go to my due date and that with his head so low she would not be surprised if it's within the next couple weeks. She said definitely if I go back on Monday and my blood pressure is still high we will most likely be induced sooner rather than later. Luckily, she said that she really thinks I will have an easy labor as his head is "right there" (her words not mine) and i'm already dialated that much. I seriously started crying when she told me all of this because I just suddenly got very overwhelmed. She had said throughout my pregnancy that she for some reason thought that I would have him early but now that we are this close and I have high blood pressure... just the fact that he will most likely be here within the next 2 weeks... i'm freaking out a little bit!

For now she wants to try to keep him in there at least another week since the measurement was so small but she said if I did go into labor she wasn't going to stop it. For now, I have to limit my salt intake, and do nothing and take it really easy (which I am sooo ok with.. except that there were still some cleaning things that I wanted to do but luckily my mom and a bunch of other people are more than happy to do that for me. )

yes.... i'm freaking out... :)


  1. Hang in there girl! God hasn't brought you this far to leave you on your own. Kayden while come when God wants him too. 36 weeks is full term. And you're in good hands with your doctor. Try not to stress over it as that won't help either one of you. Easier said than done I know but know that I'm praying and everything is going to work out just fine.

  2. So glad she went ahead and did your group b strep. He's gonna be okay Jenn...he is...God is taking care of you both and you've always said you hope he's early :P We were just over 37 weeks with Z....they said from the ultrasound he was about 7 lbs...but he was born at 6 lbs 7 oz. Little babies sleep better for pictures too :) Just trying to find the positives in all this. WOW, you are going to be holding him SO soon! Praying for all three of you right now!

  3. I know it's not easy to think about Kayden coming so soon, and him being so little. I had a little, bitty baby 30 years ago. She weighed in at 5 lbs. even, lost a few ounces and we brought her home weighing a whopping 4 lbs. 7 I wouldn't think she would care for me to give her weight. She was healthy, and to this day a positive, happy person!
