Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blood Pressure Check

When I went into the doctor's office monday, I yet again had high blood pressure. This time it was 140/90 which was higher than it was on thursday. My doctor does not work on Mondays so they brought the nurse practitioner in. She wanted to put the baby on a fetal monitor and monitor his heart rate for 20 minutes to make sure that everything was fine with him even though I had high blood pressure. I laid there for 20 minutes just listening to his heart beat. Afterwards, she checked my blood pressure again and it was down to 126/60 and the baby's heartrate was fine throughout the whole thing. She said everything looked good with him but that obviously I needed to rest as much as possible and pretty much do nothing since that is when my blood pressure spikes. I also have to pee in this huge orange jug all day on wednesday and bring it to my appointment on thursday. DISGUSTING!! I am not looking forward to this but apparently it is to check for pre-eclampsia. I'll do it but i'm not happy about it! :) So there we have it. I pretty much sit around and do absolutely nothing until thursday, and hopefully thursday we would have made some progress. I am not feeling anything that feels like contractions so we will see. The doctor did say at the last appointment that with already dilating and being thinned i'm at a great spot if I need to be induced. Hopefully, even with my blood pressure down, she will decide to induce early. I will be really happy with that decision! :) So we will see what happens Thursday.... I feel like with me not being able to do anything but lay on the couch, this baby won't come at all. I was hoping to do a lot of walking this week and get this baby here but I can't.... so now i feel like he will never come!

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