Friday, July 1, 2011


We have teeth!!! 4 of them to be exact!!! I was starting to think Kayden would never get teeth. His cousin Avery and Audrey both didn't get teeth until around their 1 year birthday so I wasn't too concerned, but we were having a hard time getting him to eat chunky food. Audrey was eating like a pro with no teeth. The girl could have gone on to live the rest of her life without any teeth and still eat anything she wanted. I was amazed! But Kayden would spit anything out that wasn't pureed besides puffs, yogurt melts, and cheerios. I tried making our homemade baby food extra chunky but he was not a fan! I was getting worried because I would really like to have him weaned off most of his bottles by the time he is 12 months, but with him not eating diced foods I felt like that was never going to happen.

While we were in Florida, my mom and I both thought we felt and saw a tooth on the bottom and top but Kayden would never let us really look in there or even really stick a finger in there so we kinda just left it. He has really hard gums so even when he was like 4 months old it felt like he had teeth and they are so close to the gum line that you could kinda see little white spots but obviously nothing ever broke through. On our way home from Florida, Kayden was a BEAR! I mean, he screamed all.the.way. home. 14 hours, and he had to have at least screamed for half of it. It was miserable. When we got home, I was finally able to stick my finger in his mouth and felt something really sharp on the bottom, but he still wouldn't let me look in.

The day before we were to leave to go see Nick in North Carolina I started noticing a lot of gunk coming out of Kayden's eye. He had a blocked tear duct when he was born and it was just like that, only it was coming out of both eyes. I emailed the pediatrician, knowing that we would be gone for 2 weeks and wanted to make sure it wasn't anything like pink eye or an ear or eye infection. She had me bring him in and she was able to make him open his mouth up and we saw a little tooth on the bottom that had just broken through the gums. He did end up with what we think were the beginning stages of pink eye but drops cleared it up really fast.

While we were down in North Carolina, Nick and I were out eating at a pizza place and Nick had Kayden laying down in his lap tickling Kayden. Kayden would throw his head back and open his mouth cackling and Nick goes "Oh my gosh look at this tooth!" There was a HUGE tooth through the gums on the top. A lot of it was sticking through, more than the tooth on the bottom. It was an actual tooth through the gums! and it was HUGE! It's actually kinda scary how big it looks! I couldn't believe it! We were able to see that one, and a hint of the other front tooth next to it, and then both bottom teeth are making their way through! A friend on facebook said that she had the difficulty with getting her son to eat chunks of food too until he got his teeth through at 10 months so hopefully that was why he wasn't interested in the chunks of food because it felt weird to his gums. He really hasn't even been eating much food at all because of his teeth, besides his bottles. Hopefully these 4 teeth will make their way through and we will be able to start weaning bottles and get more of a regular breakfast/lunch/dinner thing going on. I can't believe my baby has TEETH! AND is 2.5 months away from being ONE. I'm getting a little depressed :(

P.S. I'll try getting a picture of his teeth. He is REALLY difficult for some reason when it comes to prying his mouth open to feel/look at them!

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